Echoes Global Education

Protection Visa 866

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Protection visa (Subclass 866) - Immigration and citizenship

The Category 866 Safeguard Visa is designated for asylum-seekers who are escaping threats in their country of origin. This visa provides refuge to individuals who have a well-founded apprehension of persecution for reasons such as

Advantages of Holding a Protection Visa

As a Protection Visa holder, you are granted the ability to

Qualification Requirements

Eligibility for the Safeguard Visa is determined if you

Health Protocols

Applicants must demonstrate medical fitness through specified medical assessments to preserve both personal well-being and public health within Australia.

Incorporating Family Members in Your Application

The following relatives may be included in your visa application: 

Further Details on the Protection Visa

Note: For minors under 18 included in the visa application, consent for photographic identification or fingerprinting is essential from a parent, legal guardian, or a trusted friend/relative. Children below 15 years of age, those with incapacities, or with physical challenges are exempt from fingerprint requirements.

Navigating the complexities of affirming refugee status with the immigration authorities is a sophisticated task. It requires the pinnacle of legal strategy to guarantee a favorable resolution.

At Echoes Global Educaton, our proficiency and deep understanding have empowered a multitude of clients to navigate their cases seamlessly, aligning with the most recent immigration statutes, thereby enhancing the likelihood of visa endorsement. With over 8 years of industry presence, we’ve consistently delivered punctual and proficient services, establishing our reputation steadfastly

Visa Subclass

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Skilled Graduate 485 (TR)

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Skilled Graduate 485 (TR)

The Temporary Graduate visa is specifically designed for the recent international graduates who have completed at least 2 years of study from an Aus...

Skilled Graduate 485 (TR)

The Temporary Graduate visa is specifically designed for the recent international graduates who have completed at least 2 years of study from an Aus...

Skilled Graduate 485 (TR)

The Temporary Graduate visa is specifically designed for the recent international graduates who have completed at least 2 years of study from an Aus...

Skilled Graduate 485 (TR)

The Temporary Graduate visa is specifically designed for the recent international graduates who have completed at least 2 years of study from an Aus...