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Sponsored Parent Visa (subclass 870)

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Sponsored Pare nt Visa (subclass 870)

In a heartwarming update for Permanent Residents (PRs) who yearn for extended reunions, as well as parents eager to spend more than just fleeting moments with their children, the Australian Government, along with the Department of Home Affairs, has introduced an encouraging development. With the latest policy changes enacted from March 1, 2019, there is now the opportunity for parents to immerse in prolonged stays with their loved ones, a significant extension compared to the conventional Visitor Visas.

The initiation of sponsorship applications is set to roll out on April 17, 2019. Following the approval of these sponsorships, parents will have the chance to submit their visa applications starting July 1, 2019. This reform opens up new vistas for family bonding and cherishing everyday moments together.

Enhanced Family Time with the Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa Program

The Sponsored Parent (Temporary) Visa offers a remarkable opportunity unlike that of the standard visitor visa, granting parents the chance to reside for an impressive duration—up to five years—in Australia. This window of time allows for in-depth connection and memory-making with children and grandchildren.

A Unique Interim Travel Solution This visa serves as an exceptional interim solution, permitting temporary visits to Australia for parents while awaiting the processing of their permanent parent visa applications. It is designed to address the community’s concerns regarding the scarcity of parent migration program slots and the extensive waiting periods that can otherwise delay family reunification.

Understanding the Visa's Framework

This visa extends the duration of a parent’s stay far beyond what is typically allowed under a regular visitor visa, yet it maintains the same standards and regulations of the standard Visitor Visa. It is a thoughtful provision for those wishing to visit their children and grandchildren in Australia during the processing of a permanent parent visa application. It provides a clear pathway to uniting families without the protracted waiting times often associated with the migration program, ensuring parents can choose the option that best suits their personal circumstances with a clear understanding of the requirements, charges, conditions, and permitted duration of stay

Sponsorship Prerequisites and Obligations

The program allows for the sponsorship of up to two parents concurrently, expanding the reach of its benefits. Sponsors are expected to provide financial support, accommodation, and cover health expenses for their parent in Australia.

Sponsorship requirements include

Visa Eligibility Conditions

The visa does not require a balance-of-family test; thus, the applicant does not need to be the child of both parents. Biological, adopted, or step-parents of the sponsor are eligible

     Key conditions include:

A skills assessment must be valid at the time of lodgment for the following visas

Duration of Stay Permitted

Parents may reside in Australia for five years per visa grant. After a minimum 90-day stay outside Australia, parents may apply for another Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa, with a maximum stay of 10 years. Subsequently, they must either depart Australia or seek an alternative visa type

Visa Processing Timeline

The processing time for visa approval can vary based on application volume, the promptness of your responses to requests for additional information, and whether you have provided all necessary information

Work Rights and Conditions

Holders of the new visa will not be permitted to work in Australia, adhering to the “no work” condition stipulated.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for general understanding only and does not constitute legal advice. Always refer to the latest information directly from the Department of Home Affairs at Department of Home Affairs Website


If you are applying this visa under the post-study work stream, a skill assessment is not needed.

Only if you are applying under the Graduate stream, you must provide an evidence of having your skills assessed by the relevant authority.

While the checklist varies depending on different cases, some of the common documents required are:

  • Current passports or travel documents
  • Copy of birth certificate showing parents of both primary applicant and the spouse
  • Evidence of name change
  • Certified copies of marriage certificates
  • If you are in de facto relationship, evidence showing a relationship for at least 12 months is required
  • If the spouse is widowed, divorced or separated permanently, a certified copy of death certificate, divorce or separation documents are required.
  • Health & Character documents

Visa Class

GSM Visa

General Skilled Migration Visa essentially serves the best to those skilled workers who are willing to live and work in Australia on a permanent basis.

Visa Subclass