Echoes Global Education

Temporary Skill Shortage Visa (Subclass 482)

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Skilled Worker Provisional Visa (Subclass 482)

The Australian Immigration Bureau has announced the Skilled Worker Provisional Visa as a successor to the former 457 Visa.

Designed to fill the gap in skilled labor, the Skilled Worker Provisional Visa Subclass 482 enables employers who struggle to find appropriately skilled Australian workers to tap into the international workforce. This visa provides a solution to labor shortages while ensuring that priority is given to Australian job seekers.

To qualify for this particular visa category, applicants are required to:

This visa grants the privilege of employment in Australia through one of the following pathways:

The application sequence encompasses three stages:

Temporary Skill Shortage Visa

This visa grants the holder and their family the freedom to travel to and from Australia, and allows family members to pursue work and educational opportunities within Australia for the duration of the visa’s validity.

Short-Term Pathway Eligibility for this pathway requires sponsorship from a business recognized on the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL).

Note that applicants may have only one temporary visa as a primary visa holder.

There are two distinct categories within this visa:

This visa authorizes employment in Australia in a specific role for either:

  • two years
  • four years (subject to International Trade Obligation conditions, where relevant)


The application fee for this visa is AUD1150 Renewal within Australia for this category is permitted once.

Medium-Term Pathway This is suitable if a sponsoring employer is found, with the occupation listed on either the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) or the Regional Occupation List (ROL).

This visa is valid for employment in Australia for a period of up to four years. The application fee for this visa is AUD2400 There is no limit on the number of times you can apply for this visa.

Labour Agreement Pathway This applies if an Australian employer with an active labour agreement with the Department of Home Affairs seeks to sponsor you.

Criteria for Applicant Eligibility Applicants must satisfy certain criteria across all streams, which include:

Criteria for Nominating Employers To nominate an international candidate for a skilled position, employers must:

  • Be an operational business within Australia
  • Maintain a standard business sponsorship agreement
  • Cover the sponsorship fee of AUD420
  • The sponsorship remains valid for five years following approval.


Your opportunity to sponsor a staff member for a qualified role comes with choosing from the designated skilled occupation lists, specifically the MLTSSL or the STSOL. Your obligations include:

  • Drafting and submitting an authentic employment agreement.
  • Ensuring the wage meets or exceeds the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) for the specified role.
  • Clearly defining the job location and tenure within the sponsorship details.
  • Providing proof of Labour Market Testing if necessary.
  • Remitting the nomination fee of AUD330.


Language Proficiency Expectations

For the short-term category, a minimum English proficiency of 5 Bands or its equivalent is necessary, with no single module score below 4.5. For the medium-term category, candidates must also reach a minimum of 5 Bands overall, but with no less than 5.0 in each section.

Health and Character Standards

Every family member accompanying you must:

  • Pass a health examination with valid medical certifications issued within a year before the application date.
  • Meet the character criteria by procuring police clearance certificates.


Evaluating Top OVHC Policies for the 482 Visa

  • Discover the ideal OVHC plan for your 482 Visa

Including Dependents in Your Visa Application

  • Your visa application can cover your partner as well as any children or stepchildren you or your partner have.

Navigating the Visa Application Journey

Applying for a visa demands meticulous attention to detail, as your application may be subject to various requirements. To avoid potential setbacks and ensure a smooth visa process, it’s advisable to consult with Registered Migration Agents. Our agents at Echoes Global Education are well-versed in Australian immigration law, with extensive experience in managing complex cases, including tribunal appeals.

We’ve analyzed the nuances between short-term and long-term streams, offering a comprehensive guide on the TSS Visa and its implications, available for review.

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided for general understanding only and does not constitute legal advice. Always refer to the latest information directly from the Department of Home Affairs at Department of Home Affairs Website


If you are applying this visa under the post-study work stream, a skill assessment is not needed.

Only if you are applying under the Graduate stream, you must provide an evidence of having your skills assessed by the relevant authority.

While the checklist varies depending on different cases, some of the common documents required are:

  • Current passports or travel documents
  • Copy of birth certificate showing parents of both primary applicant and the spouse
  • Evidence of name change
  • Certified copies of marriage certificates
  • If you are in de facto relationship, evidence showing a relationship for at least 12 months is required
  • If the spouse is widowed, divorced or separated permanently, a certified copy of death certificate, divorce or separation documents are required.
  • Health & Character documents

Visa Class

GSM Visa

General Skilled Migration Visa essentially serves the best to those skilled workers who are willing to live and work in Australia on a permanent basis.

Visa Subclass